Let’s Fight Teen Suicide

Together We CAN Make A Difference.

Get Help Now

If you or someone you care about are in an emergency or crisis, you can get immediate help from these resources, 24/7.

Additional Resources

Additional mental health and support resources to help you or a loved one on your mental health journey.

For Parents

Find resources here to help you understand and support your child in their own mental health journey.

Ben and Tricia Pease, founders and Chief Executives at Serenity Mental Health Centers, were deeply concerned by a recent suicide attempt of their daughter’s teenage friend, and out of that concern grew this initiative: Let’s Fight Teen Suicide.

It began as an initiative to raise awareness around resources and treatments available for major depressive disorder, in particular teens who may struggle with suicidal ideation. We hope this resource is helpful to you and your family as you navigate how to help yourself or your loved one through a difficult, but hopeful journey toward mental health.

Above all, we want you to know there is hope: resources exist, treatments exist, and support abounds!


Helping the Hopeless

No family should lose their loved one to suicide, especially when it could be avoided with the breakthrough psychiatry treatments offered by Serenity Mental Health Centers.

“Let’s Fight Teen Suicide” aims to help teens by offering resources and awareness around cutting-edge treatments for major depressive disorder.

Subscribe for updates on how to help fight teen suicide with Serenity Mental Health Centers and follow us on social media for more news and announcements.

Overcoming Severe Depression

Suicidal ideation is a symptom of a broken brain, but fortunately our brains and bodies are resilient and can heal when given the proper treatment. At Serenity Mental Health Centers we offer breakthrough modern psychiatry treatments like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy and Ketamine infusions that can calm the brain’s response to mental distress and repair its neural pathways to promote long-lasting relief from the symptoms of depression.